George Floyd: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

The family of slain African American man, George Floyd, are heaving a sigh of relief as aj ury declared former police officer, Derek Chauvin, guilty of his murder.
The trial was set in motion after Chauvin was filmed kneeling on the neck of Floyd on 25 May last year. The action – which lasted for nine minutes and 29 seconds – resulted in the latter’s death, despite his repeatedly shouting “I can’t breathe” at the former.
On Tuesday, 20 April, the 12-member jury told the Hennepin County Government Centre in Minneapolis, Minnesota that 45-year-old Chauvin was guilty on all three charges made against him: second and third-degree murder, and manslaughter.
Afterwards, Philonise Floyd, brother of the murdered 46-year-old, said to reporters: “Today, we are able to breathe again.”
He added: “We have to always understand that we have to march … We have to protest because it seems like this is a never-ending cycle.”
The verdict was a significant win for many activists protesting against racial injustice and police accountability in the American justice system.
Chauvin’s sentencing is expected to take place before the end of June.
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